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Friday 22 January 2010

Women's Conference - 23rd January 2010

Women's Conference tomorrow 9:30 to 3:30! I'm excited. May the women go expecting change and transformation. It is my prayer that women who need healing would be healed; that need deliverance would be delivered; that need direction would be directed; that are broken hearted would be mended; that all of the women who attend would be changed forever! :D

All women come along to the conference at Partick's Burgh Halls.

Wednesday 13 January 2010


Today is my day off and I didn't make it to the College this morning to see if my lecturer picked up the flashdrive. Please be praying. I really need those 4gbites of storage not only for college but for church and personal use.

Today I'm typing the second part of "Entering the Promised Life" series Pastor Mike preached a few weeks ago. Check it out on Sermon Central at www.newmercy.org.uk

Be Blessed,

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Near mid-January already!

Central College News:

Already into the fifth week of the second block, one block and eight weeks to go till I finish the HNC Admin/IT course. Today I had my first assessment (exam) in Recording Financial Trasactions class. It went well. I enjoy that class; it's very straightforward.

I have a Stress essay to write for the 25th in the class called Developing Skills for Personal Effectiveness...and I have yet to start. Eeks! :D Haha. The essay is about the causes of stress, symptoms, and how to prevent stress. One of the causes of stress is procrastination. Haha...I think I'm going to be stressed writing this stress essay! LOL.

I've lost my flashdrive...ahhh! On Friday I was in ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) and was putting some files I needed for the class on my flashdrive. The whole class I kept saying to myself, "Don't forget it!" But I forgot it. I didn't realize I forgot it until later that night when I wanted to get something off from the flashdrive. I keep the flashdrive in a small black leather purse; I was hoping that it was still in the room, that it had been put in lost and found, or that my lecturer picked it up. On Monday morning I went to the room: no flashdrive. I went to lost and found: no flashdrive. I went to my lecturer's office: no lecturer. :D She is not in until tomorrow first period. I'm hoping that she has the flashdrive.

New Mercy Church:

Last Sunday night Pastor Iliya led a Healing Service. Wow! What a service! People were really touched. I believe that there was more emotional and spiritual healing rather than physical healing. The presence of God was very strong that night as well. The worship was excellent. That night the worship team took about ten minutes even before the service began to seek God...and it really made a difference.

On the 23rd of January there is going to be a Women's Conference in Partick. Susan Comiskey is going to be the speaker. I'm really excited. The men had several conferences in the last year...and finally the women will have one of their own. I pray that this conference will bring us closer to God and put us on the path to becoming great women of God in prayer, in our actions, in our attitudes.

Street Evangelism starts back up on the 30th of January. Temperatures have been so cold that we've not been out. I'm excited to get back on the streets taking the Gospel to the nations within Glasgow! :D Please be praying that we will begin to see the fruit of our labor.

Other News:

I was blessed with a lovely visit from my parents during the turn of the New Year. It was very nice having them see where I am and what I am doing. I'm also very glad for the warm welcome that they received from the people of New Mercy. I also received lots of goodies from friends and families back home...thank you! :D

Till next time...Be blessed!


Be blessed all!
