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Wednesday 28 April 2010

Restless Heart

Restless Heart

What to do?
Oh, Restless heart
Thoughts galore
Anxieties are more

To free this restless heart
This is my desire
Oh Lord, what does it require?

"My dear child,
Let your heart not be troubled.
I am here
Just cast upon me your care

"Have not I promised,
I am with you always?
Do not worry or fear;
Be still, I am near.

"My dear child,
You ask what is required
To free your restless heart?
Surrender is where to start.

"Oh, Restless Heart,
Your anxious thoughts,
Surrender to me;
I will give you peace."

Thursday 15 April 2010

Traveling Soul

When I went to Paris it awakened desires in me that have been dormant for quite some time. :) It awakened desires to travel and see the world; to see the earth and everything in it: oceans, seas, mountains, rivers, beaches, birds, animals; architecture, cathedrals, museums, master pieces, fountains, different cultures, music, paintings; amazing panoramic views of cities. Exploring God's earth and everything in it draws me closer to him somehow. I was thinking about how God has created me as a Traveling Soul and wrote this simple non rhyming poem. This is to all of the traveling souls out there...wherever you are. :D

Traveling Soul

You long for far off people and lands
You long for wondrous thrills and adventure
You long to touch the sands on every beach
You long to reach the heights of every mountain top
You long to move from place to place;
Exploring all that lays beyond your borders

Oh, You traveling soul,
Ever your feet will roam,
Till soon Christ will take you home.

Traveling Soul

When I went to Paris it awakened desires in me that have been dormant for quite some time. :) It awakened desires to travel and see the world; to see the earth and everything in it: oceans, seas, mountains, rivers, beaches, birds, animals; architecture, cathedrals, museums, master pieces, fountains, different cultures, music, paintings; amazing panoramic views of cities. Exploring God's earth and everything in it draws me closer to him somehow. I was thinking about how God has created me as a Traveling Soul and wrote this simple non rhyming poem. This is to all of the traveling souls out there...wherever you are. :D

Traveling Soul

You long for far off people and lands
You long for wondrous thrills and adventure
You long to touch the sands on every beach
You long to reach the heights of every mountain top
You long to move from place to place;
Exploring all that lays beyond your borders

Oh, You traveling soul,
Ever your feet will roam,
Till soon Christ will take you home.