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Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Battle

James 4:7 Submit therefore to God. Resist the devl and he will flee from you. I think that often times when we quote this verse we forget the first part: Submit therefore to God. Before we are even able to resist the devil we MUST submit to God, to His authority and to His will. If we try to resist the devil on our own and in our own weak authority - he'll just keep coming back. It is only by the power of God at work in our lives that we can defeat the enemy but until we truly submit to God's authority we cannot and will not operate in that power. So join me and decide TODAY, February 18, 2014 that we will SUBMIT therefore to God. And then, we will resist the devil and he will flee once and for all. There's a war that rises up and wages on and on. My enemy is all around strong and firm. The war rages on with no end in sight. It all seems hopeless and defeat is in front of me. I'm weak and cannot fight and the war seems all but lost. But then I call on Jesus to bring the victory. The one who holds my hand picks up my sword and stands. It is then I understand that I was never meant to fight. Who but God can go before me? Who but God can conquer my foes? He is my shield and defense. With His mighty hand He wins the victory.