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Wednesday 17 February 2010


Tonight I just felt like writing. I'm not really sure about what. I just want to write. This coming Friday night we are having an All Night of Prayer at New Mercy Church. Four other girls and I are taking one of the last sessions of the night and it is on Dreams. So of course preparing for our session has put a lot of questions in my mind. What is my dream? What God-given dreams do I have?

I have always wanted to write. I really want to write a Christian Fiction Novel about true love. Not just your ordinary Romance novel but a book that illustrates the Love of God through the love that a man has for a woman. One time I started to write this book called, Divine Rose. It was going to be set in Belfast, Ireland 1912. See, Divine was a wealthy girl of 18 or 19 who was engaged to a wealthy young man who did whatever business in New York. Divine's fiance, Charles, boarded the Titanic and we all know what happens to the Titanic. Charles doesn't survive unfortunately. So Divine is left in Belfast, Ireland to care for her sick mother. Her mother is very sick with a bad case of Pneumonia. On her death bed, her mother begs Divine to accept Christ into her life. Her mother dies and Divine hasn't accepted Christ. In the process of making funeral arrangements for her mother, Divine meets a brother and sister who work at the funeral home. These two befriend Divine and help her in any way that they can. I only wrote up to the part where Divine had met the two characters. But it was going to go on to a point where she realized that she didn't have quite as much money as she thought and that she would have to sell the house and all of the nice things that she owned. She would be left penniless pretty much. Throughout this trying time of her life as she struggles to stand on her own two feet the brother and sister are there for her the whole way. Despite her resistance to their help, she ends up giving in and allowing herself to love and be loved. Through the love that she receives from these two characters she also experiences the redemptive love of her Savior Jesus Christ.

If I ever have time...I may pick that story back up.

Let's see...another dream is for me to be able to share the Gospel with people who have never heard the name of Jesus.

I do dream of getting married, serving and living for God side by side with my husband and raising children to do the same.

I dream, most of all, of making a difference. I dream of helping others know and believe that they are precious in the Lord's sight and that God has big dreams for them as well.

Well...I really have to go now because it is nearly 2:30 am and I need to get some sleep sometime tonight.

Till next time,

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