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Friday 28 May 2010

Having Faith

Having Faith

Sometimes it is hard to hang on when I can't see the hand holding me.
Sometimes it is hard to stand when my very foundations are being shaken.
Sometimes it is hard to keep going when the storm is raging around me.

But, if I don't hang on I will fall.
If I don't stand I will stumble.
If I don't keep going I will sink.

I will have faith because I know the one who holds me securely.
I will have faith because I know the rock who is my firm foundation.
I will have faith because I know who carries me through the storm.

Sunday 23 May 2010


The weather has been beautiful for the last three or four days. Yesterday the temperatures were in the high 20s celsius. TO be completely honest, I don't know what that is in farenheit. But it's really warm. And I love it. Warm and sunny weather make me very happy. :D

Yesterday I was out and about in the city center and got a sun burn. That is how nice it is. :D This kind of weather always makes me so appreciative of nice weather and thankful to God for it.

Just less than seven weeks and I'll be heading back home to Maine. It has been a good year; not without its challenges but a good year none the less. It is time though. It is time for a new thing; a new season; a new beginning. And I am ready. Here am I Lord. Send me. Wherever you lead. I will follow.

Monday 3 May 2010

Facebook Challenge

Facebook...everyone is either on it or knows about it. For me, Facebook is a place where I can catch up on all the news of friends and family back home. I enjoy going to their pages browsing their profiles and checking out new photos (even old ones :P). My friend, Jamie, said that loneliness, boredom, Uni work and Facebook all tie in with each other somehow. If you are lonely you go to Facebook to catch up with friends; check out their profiles, comment on their photos, sent them messages or even chat with them if they are on Facebook as well. If you are bored...same results. If you have course work to do and you're just not feeling it...eventually you will retire to Facebook. LOL.

However, the fact is that Facebook is time consuming. I wonder what I would be doing if I wasn't on Facebook? Well, this month will tell the story.

My friends, Jamie and Steven, and I are going without Facebook for one month. That's right. One month. Scientifically we want to find out if Facebook really is addicting...so we are each going to tally up how many times a day we have an urge to visit Facebook. At the end of the month we will graph it. :D

On the other hand, personally I want to be able to use my time more wisely. I want to take time that I may spend browsing Facebook to browse the word of God or spend time with God. I want to spend the time that I am studying pictures of family and friends studying for my upcoming Graded Unit Exam. I want to spend the time that I'm sending instant messages to friends and family with actually giving them a call. By the grace of God, I know that this is possible. :D

Ephesians 5:16, "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

Each day we need to take as a gift from God not to be wasted or used up by idleness. Let's redeem the time we've been given and use it wisely for the glory of God.