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Sunday 23 May 2010


The weather has been beautiful for the last three or four days. Yesterday the temperatures were in the high 20s celsius. TO be completely honest, I don't know what that is in farenheit. But it's really warm. And I love it. Warm and sunny weather make me very happy. :D

Yesterday I was out and about in the city center and got a sun burn. That is how nice it is. :D This kind of weather always makes me so appreciative of nice weather and thankful to God for it.

Just less than seven weeks and I'll be heading back home to Maine. It has been a good year; not without its challenges but a good year none the less. It is time though. It is time for a new thing; a new season; a new beginning. And I am ready. Here am I Lord. Send me. Wherever you lead. I will follow.

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