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Sunday 24 October 2010


I am home in Belmont. Funny; how you can make plans and then things change in a blink of an eye.

I'm working at Chase's Daily two days a week and am looking for a full time job for during the week; preferably an admin job. I'm praying for a good paying job that can help me earn enough to be able to get my own apartment. It would be nice if it was somewhere between Belfast and Bangor. I'm hoping to get involved in my home church in Bangor again and it would be nice to be closer so that I can do that.

Tomorrow morning I am going to the bank and will be getting a loan to buy my very first car of my own. My parents bought me a car several years ago and since then it was totaled but still because it was bought by my parents it really never felt like it was mine. This will be my very own car. God has been good. I don't deserve his favor...I'm far from perfect...yet he has given it freely. This car is a part of his plan for the moment...I know that.

I'll tell more later. It's late and I need to be going.

God Bless!

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