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Tuesday 14 August 2012

He's a better driver

I'm learning that I have to let go of some things in order for God to have complete control of my life. Should be a no brainer right? Not for me. I'm always trying to figure things out; asking questions like what if, how, why or when? Jesus is in control. No matter what the future holds I don't have to be afraid and I don't have to figure out how I'm going to get there. I only have to trust that God knows best and that doesn't mean He is going to subtract from my life...it means He's going to add to my life. It means that He has good plans for my life and the only way for those plans to be fulfilled is for me to let go of the steering wheel, get out of the driver's seat and let Him drive. He knows my desires...even before I speak them. He fashioned me and formed me. He knows my thoughts even before they are in my head. He's out for MY good not to harm me. He's not going to drive me down a dead end road and He's not going to steer me off course. He's going to take me where His plans will unfold. I may not understand why He's turning left when I think He ought to turn right. I may not understand why the light is not turning green after it's been on red forever and a day. All I know is that I'm safe in the hands of Jesus. He's got my life under control...as long as I let go and let Him take me where He wants me to go. I don't need to know how I'll get there. I just need to trust the man in the driver's seat. TRUST...that is the key. It doesn't mean subtraction...it's addition and multiplication. He may not take me down the same path everyone else is traveling down (not that their road is any better or worse than my own) but He may take me down the scenic route. I don't want to have control anymore...it's too much of a weight on my shoulder. Several years ago I wrote a song. The chorus was simple and went like this: It's in your hands Lord (3 times) to do what you will (2 times) with it. There truly is freedom in handing over the keys of our life to Jesus. He's a much better driver.

Friday 27 July 2012

Beyond Feelings

Feelings come and go. Emotional roller coasters shifting to and fro, up and down. Feelings come and go but the facts remain. What is fact lasts. What is feeling is fleeting. Who said if it feels good do it? Not everything we feel is real and not everything real we feel. Let's hold on to the facts and what we know to be truth. Feelings are good when nurtured and grown by truthful facts. Understand the facts and lead your feelings, change your perspective. Feelings come and go but the facts remain. Go with the facts and lead your feelings.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Trust in God

Mark 11:22-24

Jesus: Trust in God. If you do, honestly, you can say to this mountain, "Mountain, uproot yourself and throw yourself into the sea." If you don't doubt, but trust that what you say will take place, then it will happen. SO listen to what I'm saying: Whatever you pray for or ask from God, believe that you'll receive it and you will. (The Voice)

Friday 16 March 2012

Rainy Day

It's another rainy day in Belfast, Maine. I love sunny weather but every once and awhile I love rainy days just as much. It's like God is giving nature and everything in it a bath. I'm thankful that I don't live in a place where months and months can go by without seeing any rain. Rain brings a feeling of comfort...though it is accompanied by dark clouds it also brings a sense of hope that clear skies and sunlight are on the other side of those dark clouds.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Ligers, Zonkeys and Zorses...oh my!

I'm familiar with the mule hybrid of a female horse and a male donkey but recently learned about another popular hybrid, the Liger. The Liger is a mixture of a male lion and a female tiger. The largest known Liger in the world is called Hercules and can be found at Jungle Island, an interactive animal theme park in Miami. Checking out pictures of Hercules I was amazed by his enormity.

In the process of learning about Ligers I also learned about two other hybrids that exist: Zonkeys and Zorses.

By their names you can guess what mixtures they are. A Zonkey is the mixture of a Donkey and a Zebra. The Zorse, a Horse and a Zebra. There are ranches across the US that breed Zonkeys and Zorses and train them to perform what any Horse can do like, riding, jumping and racing.