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Monday 13 September 2010

Back in the States

Back in the States...

Well, another year has come and gone. On July 7th I returned back to Maine from nearly a year being in Glasgow, Scotland for the second year in a row. Judy Petros recently asked what I learned while I was in Scotland this past year and I said, “I learned a lot!” She then asked me a very good question, “What was the most outstanding thing that you learned this year?”

This year was very different than the year before in Scotland. My time in Glasgow from June ’08 – May ’09 I was not alone. I shared a three bedroom flat (apartment) with three other missionaries. We were all there for the same reason and we served as wonderful support systems for each other. We all went out into the big bad world of the city of Glasgow as a team and then returned to our humble abode where we could encourage one another in the Lord, where we shared daily devotions, where we rejoiced with each in our victories, where we exhorted one another when one of us was going astray and where we shared in our excitement as we learned how to better evangelise the lost as well as minister to fellow Christians in Glasgow.

My time in Glasgow from August ’09 – July ’10, as I said before, was very different. I went for the second year in a row to continue to give my help and service to the International Missions End Times Church, New Mercy Church (www.newmercy.org.uk). At the same time, due to difficulties of entering the country for any other reason, I was studying full time at a local college there in Glasgow. My accommodation was at a Student Accommodation where I shared a five ensuite bedroom flat with four other girls. We all studied at different College/Universities in Glasgow. Three of those girls had already been living in the flat for at least three years.

When I first moved into the flat, I had a very difficult time adjusting and making myself feel comfortable in my new surroundings. It was also very difficult to go from living with likeminded Christians who all had the same focus as a missionary to living with all lost people. Even at College I was the only Christian in a sea of many lost souls. To be very frank and honest, I felt very alone at times.

At first because of the great difference between the situation of this year and the last, I questioned, “Am I really a missionary?” I can’t count the times I felt so insecure with my flatmates that I questioned my ability to be a witness to them. I did so want to be an example, but I found myself many times hiding in my room. This happened especially on occasions when my flatmates would invite people over for parties. This, too, was very different for me.

As I said, I questioned, “Am I really a missionary? What am I doing here? I don’t feel like a missionary at all. I’m not doing anything different here than I could be doing at home.” This troubled me so. But one day God showed me something. I don’t remember how or when but it was so real. He showed me that it didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing, whether I was holding a position in a church or attending college while serving at a local church somewhere. One thing I kept saying to myself before was, “I felt more like a missionary last year.” But God showed me that living smack dab in the middle of the lost made me more of a missionary than I ever was the year before. I realized that what mattered was that I be a light in the darkness no matter what!

I learned a valuable lesson this past year. We are all ministers, no matter where God sends us, no matter what we may become, no matter what our profession, no matter if we preach from a pulpit or stand up for right in a flat full of wild, young partiers. We are all ministers of the Gospel and we all have a mission field and that is in the place that we find ourselves.

This year was a test of obedience to the call, many times a test of trusting God, and toward the end even a test of faith IN God but as I briefly testified on Sunday morning, “God is good!” He has to be. I’ve gone and come and I know he holds the future. I want to thank everyone who prayed for me. It was not in vain.

I am thankful because although I won’t be returning to Scotland long term I still have good connections with New Mercy Church there in Glasgow. While in Glasgow I was transcribing Pastor Mike McKeever’s sermon series’ which were edited and published into several books. Today I continue to transcribe his sermons. That is something I can do wherever I am.

At the moment I have been blessed with a part time job at a Vegetarian Restaurant in Belfast, Maine. I’m going to be looking for another part time job – maybe a couple more. The next step, God willing, I will be going to Brazil. For a few years now my friend, Rod de Freitas, has been inviting me to come and teach in one of his English Schools called, JET Incorporated (www.jetincorporated.com.br).

This past Summer I helped Rod with the production of one of his own English books that is used as part of the English material in the JET schools. The wonderful thing about these books is that they have scripture throughout that can be used as a tool to share the Gospel with the students that study at JET. We also worked on the videos that will go along with the books and assist with the learning process. At the end of each unit of each book there is a video with a pastor giving a two minute sermon. This is wonderful because most of the people who study at JET are unsaved. The program goes on for several years which mean that as teachers in JET relationships are made with the students. And with these relationships there is the opportunity to share the Gospel with these students.

It is a wonderful project that I am very happy to be a part of. If it works out for me to go to Brazil in January then I will probably be teaching in one of these schools at some point. Until then I am back in the States and very happy to see friends and family.

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