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Sunday 26 September 2010

Starbucks Wi-Fi

Right now I'm sitting down at the Starbucks on Bangor Mall Boulevard. This morning I went to my parents church in Winterport and was very blessed by the presence of God that was so strong in that place. My Gram went home with my sister and I drove here to Bangor. When I came I saw an old Starbucks co-worker of mine, Tanya G. We spoke briefly, she giving me all the updates on other co-workers and what they are doing now.

A few weeks ago I came in here and found out that Starbucks was now offering Free Wi-Fi. Today I knew that I was going to be in Bangor for the afternoon on my own with nothing to do so I brought my laptop to take advantage of that Starbucks customer perk. It just makes me love Starbucks even more. :D

Anyway. So I sat down first of all in a place where there were no electrical outlets. While I waited for someone to move I ate my Cinnamon swirl coffee cake and started drinking my Grande mocha. About fifteen minutes went by and two girls near an outlet on the wall left and I took their place. It was a table of four and at first I felt a little funny taking the whole table for myself...but it was my only option.

A few minutes later there was a man on a mission who came into the store with a laptop in under his arm ardently searching for a place to sit...I could tell that he was looking for a place next to an outlet. He came to where I was sitting and with an urgent thick foreign accent said, "I'm sorry, do you mind if I sit here. This is the only place with an outlet and I need it." And I said, "Sure".

He pulled out his cup of coffee and a big container of Nutella and began spooning the nutella. It was funny. He has the space around his laptop filled up with bags full of cds and an external hard drive.

Before he began digging into his nutella he got up to get a spoon. While he was away momentarily the guy at the table behind his chair looked at his stuff and then I caught his eye. He chuckled and said, "There was an outlet in that corner. I think he saw it. It's strange."

We were both minding our own business when all of a sudden he picked up his cell phone, dialed it and then my phone rang. haha. It was as if he was calling me. Obviously he wasn't but it was funny anyway. His phone call ended up being a conversation in another language. It sounded like a Slavic language similar to Bulgarian. My phone call was in English and it ended up being my best friend, Kristina.

Anyway...I think that this is hilarious. When I go to a cafe in Glasgow, Scotland or one in Bangor, Maine, USA I end up bumping into people from another country. They are drawn to me. Hahahahaha.

Well, I think that is all I'm going to write about right now. I'm going to go back to surfing the net.

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