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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Chasing luggage and catching buses

It's 1:36pm and I'm still trying to calm down from the recent adrenaline rush that ran through my body as I rushed through the South Station trying to buy my bus ticket.

As I mentioned earlier my flight to Augusta this morning was canceled so I was left to wait for the flight scheduled for 1:30. By 12 I hadn't heard anything so I patiently went up to the desk and inquired about the flight. It was several minutes before I was given a more clear answer...that was at about 12:15. The pilot, who was due to fly to Augusta today at 1:30, suggested that I take the bus because the weather didn't seem to be letting up. They sent my luggage to baggage claim but when I got down the stairs I didn't know where to go. It seemed like I ran all over that baggage claim area to try and find my luggage and finally someone directed me to the right place.

By the time I retrieved my luggage I was afraid that I had missed the bus because it was just turning 12:30. The guy who brought down my luggage pointed me in the direction I needed to go and I hurried over to the bus stop where several other people were waiting. I talked to one lady who works for an airline in Colorado and she said that if I pushed enough I might be able to get a refund on my plane ticket. She said she was in Maine to see family for thanksgiving and to attend her niece's baptism.

The bus was actually a few minutes late...but I was relieved to catch it. When I couldn't find my luggage earlier I was so confused, not really sure what I was going to do if I did miss the bus. To finally sit down in my seat after waiting so long for a flight to Maine was assuring.

Because we hadn't purchased our tickets yet we were supposed to get off at South Station, purchase them inside quickly and then come right back to the bus. Once we arrived I left my lap top and lap top bag on my seat and my luggage was safely stored under the bus. I followed the other passengers inside to the Concord ticket booth and we made it to the front of the line. When I reached the counter I turned over my only form of payment, my Discover card, and the guy says that they only accept VISA or Mastercard. I had to think really fast because if I can't pay for my ticket I'm stuck. All kinds of scenarios run through my head until I remember that I set my card up so that I could withdraw money. I ran over to the atm and when I return to the ticket booth the line is outrageously long.

By now I am restlessly frantic. What if the bus leaves without me? All of my stuff is on the bus...my luggage and my lap top. My heart was racing in my chest a million miles a minute. The wait through the line seemed like an eternity but really it didn't take that long. I grabbed my ticket and made a run for it to the bus. Passengers aren't permitted outside the station unless directed by staff and there was a HUGE line waiting to get on the bus. By God's grace one guy came around the corner and asked if anyone was going to Portland, Maine. I slipped through the door with a couple who was waiting to go to Portland. Everything was fine. I made it. The bus didn't leave without me. They didn't leave with all my belongings. I was safe.

This day has been one crazy one but I can rest assured that God has been with me...leading me every difficult step at a time. It's like Psalm 139:7-10 that says, "Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast."

Though everything around me is going crazy...God is going steady with me!! He's along side me as I'm chasing luggage and catching buses!

Flight 1007 Canceled

I'm on my way home to Maine to spend Thanksgiving with family. This morning I was up at 3am to leave by 3:30 to arrive at the Newark airport for a flight to Boston where I was supposed to catch a connecting flight to Augusta, Maine. Here I am at the Logan airport having been here for a little over an hour or so. Due to stormy weather conditions my flight to Augusta, ME scheduled to leave 3 minutes ago (10:40) was canceled. Now the plan is that I wait for the 1:30 flight...if by 12:30 they think that it will also be canceled then I'll be taking a bus home.

Oh the joys of travel! The flight here was a bumpy one but I ended up sitting next to a lady who had lived in Sao Paolo, Brazil for over eight years. She was ecstatic to hear about my plans to visit at Christmas time and assured me that I would enjoy myself very much. I was also able to promote JET Incorporated. She works for a company that still has a hub office in Belo Horizonte and who are looking for someone to teach some of their staff members English. It was very exciting talking to her about it.

When things like that happen...I can see the hand of God. Things like that can't be just coincidence. In fact, we sat beside each other the whole ride and didn't really start talking till the flight was nearly over. We started talking because I was so nervous throughout the flight and she rejoiced with me when the plane finally landed. It was at that time that I told her that every time I fly I get nervous and that I was especially nervous to fly to Brazil. That's when she lit up and told me that she had lived there for eight years about nine years ago.

It will be so nice to go home and relax and be around people who love me unconditionally :) That's what home is...a safe haven. Thank God for the times that we can go there and be completely ourselves...

I love the people I've met since being in Vineland but I know, after only being there for a couple of months, that it's not the place for me. But I will continue on and keep my commitment there until June. I'm sure that God has plans that I can't even imagine. It's all part of trusting him to lead me and do with me what he wants to and where he wants to.

Monday 14 November 2011


Where am I?

At this very moment I am sitting comfortably on my freshly made bed in my little attic bedroom in Vineland, NJ.

I'm in Vineland interning at the Chestnut Assembly of God church. I'm interning with the Young adult pastors and am involved in other various ministries including choir, young adult worship, homeless ministries, as well as mentoring at a boys and girls club once a week.

The mentoring experience is one I am super excited about. Although most weeks my assigned mentees never show, I've had the opportunity to mingle with other kids and make a difference here and there in small ways. One girl wants to be a writer when she grows up and I've encouraged her to write a short story and bring it in for me to check it out. Another little girl was discouraged one day when one of the staff yelled at her for making a paint gun with pipe cleaners in the craft activity...she didn't say anything but I knew that her feelings were hurt so I encouraged her and said, "It's okay...you did a great job!" That short and to the point comment made her day. And making her day made my day!

Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I'll be going back to Maine for a brief vacation. It will be great to be with family and friends for a little while. Each time I'm away now I miss everyone more and more. I'm especially excited to sleep in my big comfy bed in my bedroom at my parents' house :P So a lot is going on...things are happening. Times are not always easy...but I know who holds me securely. Thank God for his faithfulness through every season!