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Monday 14 November 2011


Where am I?

At this very moment I am sitting comfortably on my freshly made bed in my little attic bedroom in Vineland, NJ.

I'm in Vineland interning at the Chestnut Assembly of God church. I'm interning with the Young adult pastors and am involved in other various ministries including choir, young adult worship, homeless ministries, as well as mentoring at a boys and girls club once a week.

The mentoring experience is one I am super excited about. Although most weeks my assigned mentees never show, I've had the opportunity to mingle with other kids and make a difference here and there in small ways. One girl wants to be a writer when she grows up and I've encouraged her to write a short story and bring it in for me to check it out. Another little girl was discouraged one day when one of the staff yelled at her for making a paint gun with pipe cleaners in the craft activity...she didn't say anything but I knew that her feelings were hurt so I encouraged her and said, "It's okay...you did a great job!" That short and to the point comment made her day. And making her day made my day!

Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I'll be going back to Maine for a brief vacation. It will be great to be with family and friends for a little while. Each time I'm away now I miss everyone more and more. I'm especially excited to sleep in my big comfy bed in my bedroom at my parents' house :P So a lot is going on...things are happening. Times are not always easy...but I know who holds me securely. Thank God for his faithfulness through every season!

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