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Sunday 19 December 2010

Annie's Song

The room was crowded. People were scattered forming
groups around the room. The sound of silence was
unbearable. We all know the cliche, "it was so quiet
you could hear a pin drop". What was happening? What
was the matter? Was anyone going to stand up and be
courageous? They were waiting for someone to utter a

One second....two seconds...three seconds pass by. No
sound. No word spoken. Four seconds...five, six,
seven...Wait, was that a word from someone in the
corner of the room?

One tiny little voice was heard. It was the voice of
little Annie. The room was crowded with cowardly
adults who dared not utter a word and the one to break
the silence was a stature of insignificance but one
with a spirit of courage.

"I believe in Jesus," she said as she aimed her words
at the man holding the gun in the middle of the
crowded room. Inch by inch she made her way to a
foot's distance away from him. People around her
tried to stop her in her path fearing for her life.

She pushed them aside and continued on.
"I believe in Jesus," she exclaimed one more time once
she was standing directing in front of the gunman.
Gasps were heard from those same speechless people
from moments before.

The gunman aimed the gun at Annie's head and then
ordered everyone to clear the room who did not share
her beliefs. Some hesitated not desiring to leave the
girl but eventually fear overcame them and one by one
the people hurried out of the room...not daring to
look behind. Cowardly they came in and cowardly they
went out. When the door shut behind them, it left the
gunman and Annie face to face in the middle of the

When he heard the door shut the gunman prepared his
gun to fire and asked the girl one last time, "Will
you deny Christ or die?"

"I believe in Jesus," she began before singing this
song, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells
me so, little ones to him belong, they are weak but he
is strong..." Suddenly from behind the door where the
others had escaped to, they heard a gunshot that
abruptly ended Annie's song...

Moments later, Annie was safe in the arms of her
Heavenly Father singing a new song.

Jesus Loves Me this I know for my Father tells me so,
little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is
strong, yes Jesus Loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, yes
Jesus Loves me, my Father tells me so.

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