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Thursday 27 January 2011

Meeting and Eating

For a couple of months now my sisters and I have been meeting once a week for Bible study. And as of late we've been adding members. Every week we decide on a place to meet and because both of my sisters have kids of their own and have to feed them, Food is often a requirement before our Bible study. Since this is the case every week I get a text message from both of my sisters...usually at different times...saying, "Where are we going to meet and what are we going to eat?" At first I was okay with the whole eating thing until I got a little annoyed by the weekly question, "What are we going to eat?" Frankly, I don't care. Seriously, I would rather not eat at all and just have coffee and cookies during the meeting. Sometimes I feel as though the eating part of the meeting actually distracts from the point of the meeting in the first place. Haha.

Anyway. Sunday rolls around and one of my sisters texts me and says, "Where are we going to meet tomorrow and what do you want to eat?" Because my frustration has come to a bit of a boiling point I text back hastily and say, "Do we have to eat?" :P She replies, "Well we don't have to but we do have to feed the kids." Rather than reply back I just leave it cause I really don't care whether we eat or not and what we eat.

The next day, the day we meet, my other sister sends me a text and says, "Where are we going to meet and what are we going to eat? And don't say that you don't care." This makes me even more frustrated. LOL. So...since I was planning to go to Rockland that day I replied with the following: I am going to Rockland from Searsport around 1. Not sure if I'll make it back by 4...What about meeting at Hollis...I can bring brownies I made Thursday. We all could eat separately and then meet after.

So we decided on 5:30 at Holli's house. Molli was going to bring some veggies and dip and I was bringing the brownies.

After we finished the Bible study I voiced my frustration about the whole food thing. LOL. So after a bit of discussion over the issue we came to the conclusion that if they wanted to eat before or during they would do so but without consulting me. :-) I know...this all must seem pretty silly! LOL For our next meeting we are going to meet at my Aunt's house and those who want to eat can come early...those who do not, can come just for the study. It works perfectly. :-)

That's not all! Haha. After the whole ordeal over eating at our meetings I was feeling a bit like a little brat. But today I was reading in Matthew 6 and was comforted by the words of Jesus himself:

Matthew 6:31, Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat?.....

hahahahahahaha!!! Of course, I HAD to send that verse to my sisters to plead my cause!

So now you all know NEVER to ask me, What shall we eat? LOL

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