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Monday 28 December 2009

Gift of Love

This is an email I sent out recently...I constantly need to be reminded about what Christmas and being a Christian is all about...

For God so LOVED the world that he GAVE...(John 3:16)

Hi Everyone! Tonight was an interesting night for me. I started out at 6:30 toward the church to meet Nana and John for Elderly ministry. While we were at the church waiting for the other team members a man knocked on the door and let us know of a woman who had fallen outside the church. We brought her in to give her some tea and bisquits. She was extremely drunk and was crying as she went on about her pet rat that just died. She wanted to know why we came to her and why we wanted to help her. When we gave her the tea she could hardly hold it still in her hand. In fact, she kept spilling it all over her top. Then she angrily got up only to fall to the ground and spilling the entire cup of tea as she did. Again she started to cry. We helped her up again.

It was so sad to watch this poor lady wallowing in her drunkenness, lonely and sad. When we brought her outside and told her that we needed to go see the Elderly she got profusely aggressive and started saying that we were throwing her out because we had better things to do. She started cursing and calling us names. We led her to the side railing so that she could guide herself home. As we crossed the street she was still yelling at us from the side walk. How quickly she turned...from hurt like a kitten to anger and aggressiveness. This is a type of situation you are not taught how to handle in Bible College. How helpless I felt. YOu want to help this person..but in their state there is nothing that you can do to help them.

Then we went on to the Elderly home where a team go from the church once a month to visit. Tonight we were making Christmas cards with the group of elderly that show up when we come every month. Christmas is a time when we should be surrounded by the ones we love. Tonight I realized...I guess I always knew but it never hit me like it did tonight...that for some people this time of year is a very lonely and depressing time. As we were making Christmas cards one elderly lady, Mary, started crying and saying how that nobody comes to see her and that she is always so lonely. My heart went out to her tonight.

A friend of mine just recently said to me in an email, "Everything is love Heidi. It starts from love, and ends in love. God is love, if you do not know God, you do not know love."

In 1 John it says, Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love.

To myself I say, "Be a doer of the word and not just a hearer only".

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Letter to God

Dear Father,

First and foremost, I want to thank you for a new day. You have made this day and I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Now, I am just now looking out my window and I see heavy snow falling to the ground. The clouds in the sky have disappeared behind the layers of snowflakes that are falling from them. The rooftops of buildings all over the city are frosted with glistening white. Thank you, Lord, for this delight.

In your word, Psalm 139:2 it says, "Thou dost know when I sit down and when I rise up; Thou dost understand my thought from afar." You knew that at this time of year I am longing for home; that I have had many memory filled thoughts of winters and Christmases past. One sweet memory is that of snow at Christmas time. It has been snowing now off and on for about four days. I think that we will see a white Christmas. Thank you Father. Thank you for knowing my thoughts and considering them at this time of year.

You are great. The verse after the one above in Psalm 139 says, "Thou dost scrutinize my path and my lying down, And art intimately acquainted with all my ways." Thank you. You are "intimately acquainted with all my ways". Wow. That is amazing. How much I mean to you that you take such notice of my ways. Thank you, a million times, thank you.

I love you Lord. You are my God. You are my everything. Without you I am nothing. Thank you for caring...even about the little things.

In Jesus Name, Amen!

Your daughter,

Thursday 10 December 2009

God, the lover of our soul!

God is so good. I am reading the book, "Captivated" by John and Stasi Eldredge best-selling author of Wild at Heart. It was a gift from my dear friend Reena just before I came back to Glasgow in August. I started reading it then but put it down for a couple of months. I just picked it up again and started reading.

Lately, I've been crying out to God for more passion for him...more love for him...more something. :D Ever been there? Anyway, the chapter I picked up at was about how that a woman's soul longs to be romanced...longs to be pursued. Often times hurts and wounds from the past put walls up in our hearts causing us to think that we obtain no beauty worth pursuing. However, if we would stop and ask God to reveal to each one of us the beauty of the very center of who we are...we would find that we are very beautiful in the eyes of God...so much so that he has been pursuing us since we were little girls. And even more so as we become women...he wants to romance us. He doesn't only want to be our King, our Lord, our Savior, even our Father, he wants a more intimate relationship. He wants to be the lover of our soul. He wants to romance us.

Anyway...in this chapter they were talking about these things and they were explaining how God romances us in different ways. Think of ways that your heart was romanced as a kid: "horses in a field? Was it the fragrance of the air after a summer rain? Was it a favorite book?...The first snowfall of winter?" I could name a million things...but I relate with the last one. I remember being a little girl so excited for the first snowfall of winter. I would sit by the window in our kitchen and just watch...anxiously waiting for the slightest hint of snow. And when it came...oh how excited I was...my heart was abounding in hope fulfilled.

So as I read this chapter I thought to myself, "How does God want to romance me here? IN Glasgow? I'm not near the ocean where I feel the closest to him...It doesn't snow very much here...What glorious wonders of nature are there to behold God's silent pursuit of me?"

After I put my book down, I shut the light off and attempted to fall asleep. However, because of my awful habit of drinking coffee right before I go to bed, I lay sleepless in Glasgow. ;-) So I got up, put my laptop on, signed on here, uploaded my pictures from yesterday's Pantomime, and Wham! It was like a brick hit me in the head.

It wasn't the crashing winds of the seaside, or the stillness of wondrous mountains, or even a snow fall through which God romanced me yesterday; it was through art. That's right...art. Yesterday I went to my first Pantomime at the Pavillion Theatre here in Glasgow. Just before the show started I was mesmerized by the grandness and outstanding architecture of the auditorium. It was absolutely amazing. I felt like I had been transported through time two hundred years ago. I was excited just sitting in my seat...before the show even started. Little did I know...God was romancing me. :D He was romancing me through the simple things in life...things that others may have grown accustomed to. I remember turning to my friend and college mate, Valerie, and saying, "I feel like I've been transported two hundred years back." She looked at me funny and said, "Huh. Maybe I felt like that the first time I went to a Pantomime. I'm not sure."

So...I just wanted to share that. And encourage someone who may be having a hard time seeing how God could possibly romance you. Sometimes it's the simple things. Look out for the simple things in life that thrill you...that could just very well be God luring you into a smothering romance. ;-) whether you are a woman or a man! :D

Monday 7 December 2009

Beauty in Diversity

I was just recently catching up on my MySpace page and wrote the following blog. I liked it so much I wanted to post it on here...

Hey...Wow...it has been forever since I've been on MySpace. I'm usually on Facebook. Actually, just the other day I asked a friend if they had myspace and they answered, "yeah, I have it but I don't use it because it's too confusing!" Another person said, "I think it's for writers and artists...yeah it's way too confusing." I've not really sat and compared the two social networks to really have an opinion either way. I like myspace because of the nice layouts you can add to your profile...it is a great way to reflect a bit of your personality that can't be written down.

Anyway...I am in Glasgow, Scotland for the second year in a row. God is good. He has led and directed my steps this far. It is certain in my heart and soul that he will continue to do so.

I'm studying Admin/IT at the Glasgow Central College, formerly known as Central College of Commerce. At the same time I'm continuing to work with New Mercy Church. New Mercy is VERY international. The people who attend come from various countries in Europe, Asia, and AFrica (and America, of course...I'm the only one). In fact, there are more people in the congregation from other countries than from Scotland. It's great! I love it. I've always loved the diversity of God's creation. It's beautiful. And just imagine people coming from different tongues and tribes and worshiping their creator together in one place...it's unexplainable. When I am in the midst of people from every corner of the earth...I know that I am at the center of God's will. His heart's desire was for his children to go and preach the Gospel; to make disciples of all nations or (all ethnic groups). That means that we are not limited to our own back yard (although that should be our first and foremost priority).

I may not be in Glasgow, Scotland this time next year...but I know that wherever God leads...he'll be sending me to the nations. :D

Tuesday 1 December 2009

"Shut up" and Call out!

Jeremiah 33:1-3
Moreover the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was shut up in the court of the prison, saying, "Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name; Call unto me, and I will show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.

I noticed that God spoke to Jeremiah or beckoned him when he was "Shut up" in the court of the prison. It was probably dark and lonely. No doubt Jeremiah felt discouraged and possibly depressed because of the dreariness of the prison. Maybe he felt a bit of hopelessness.

Yet...in the midst of being "shut up" in the prison God, the maker of Heaven and Earth beckons Jeremiah and the people of Israel to call upon the one who can turn our mourning into dancing; the one who is our refuge; the one who is able to do the impossible: great and mighty things that are beyond our imagination; the one who can pick us up out of our pit of despair, out of our depression, out of our discouragement, out of our loneliness and the one who can give us hope for a future despite our current circumstances.

That is amazing. God is still calling us, his children, to call out to him from whatever situation or prison we find ourselves in; to call out to our source of hope, strength, love and peace.