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Monday 28 December 2009

Gift of Love

This is an email I sent out recently...I constantly need to be reminded about what Christmas and being a Christian is all about...

For God so LOVED the world that he GAVE...(John 3:16)

Hi Everyone! Tonight was an interesting night for me. I started out at 6:30 toward the church to meet Nana and John for Elderly ministry. While we were at the church waiting for the other team members a man knocked on the door and let us know of a woman who had fallen outside the church. We brought her in to give her some tea and bisquits. She was extremely drunk and was crying as she went on about her pet rat that just died. She wanted to know why we came to her and why we wanted to help her. When we gave her the tea she could hardly hold it still in her hand. In fact, she kept spilling it all over her top. Then she angrily got up only to fall to the ground and spilling the entire cup of tea as she did. Again she started to cry. We helped her up again.

It was so sad to watch this poor lady wallowing in her drunkenness, lonely and sad. When we brought her outside and told her that we needed to go see the Elderly she got profusely aggressive and started saying that we were throwing her out because we had better things to do. She started cursing and calling us names. We led her to the side railing so that she could guide herself home. As we crossed the street she was still yelling at us from the side walk. How quickly she turned...from hurt like a kitten to anger and aggressiveness. This is a type of situation you are not taught how to handle in Bible College. How helpless I felt. YOu want to help this person..but in their state there is nothing that you can do to help them.

Then we went on to the Elderly home where a team go from the church once a month to visit. Tonight we were making Christmas cards with the group of elderly that show up when we come every month. Christmas is a time when we should be surrounded by the ones we love. Tonight I realized...I guess I always knew but it never hit me like it did tonight...that for some people this time of year is a very lonely and depressing time. As we were making Christmas cards one elderly lady, Mary, started crying and saying how that nobody comes to see her and that she is always so lonely. My heart went out to her tonight.

A friend of mine just recently said to me in an email, "Everything is love Heidi. It starts from love, and ends in love. God is love, if you do not know God, you do not know love."

In 1 John it says, Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love.

To myself I say, "Be a doer of the word and not just a hearer only".

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