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Monday 7 December 2009

Beauty in Diversity

I was just recently catching up on my MySpace page and wrote the following blog. I liked it so much I wanted to post it on here...

Hey...Wow...it has been forever since I've been on MySpace. I'm usually on Facebook. Actually, just the other day I asked a friend if they had myspace and they answered, "yeah, I have it but I don't use it because it's too confusing!" Another person said, "I think it's for writers and artists...yeah it's way too confusing." I've not really sat and compared the two social networks to really have an opinion either way. I like myspace because of the nice layouts you can add to your profile...it is a great way to reflect a bit of your personality that can't be written down.

Anyway...I am in Glasgow, Scotland for the second year in a row. God is good. He has led and directed my steps this far. It is certain in my heart and soul that he will continue to do so.

I'm studying Admin/IT at the Glasgow Central College, formerly known as Central College of Commerce. At the same time I'm continuing to work with New Mercy Church. New Mercy is VERY international. The people who attend come from various countries in Europe, Asia, and AFrica (and America, of course...I'm the only one). In fact, there are more people in the congregation from other countries than from Scotland. It's great! I love it. I've always loved the diversity of God's creation. It's beautiful. And just imagine people coming from different tongues and tribes and worshiping their creator together in one place...it's unexplainable. When I am in the midst of people from every corner of the earth...I know that I am at the center of God's will. His heart's desire was for his children to go and preach the Gospel; to make disciples of all nations or (all ethnic groups). That means that we are not limited to our own back yard (although that should be our first and foremost priority).

I may not be in Glasgow, Scotland this time next year...but I know that wherever God leads...he'll be sending me to the nations. :D

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