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Sunday 19 December 2010

Annie's Song

The room was crowded. People were scattered forming
groups around the room. The sound of silence was
unbearable. We all know the cliche, "it was so quiet
you could hear a pin drop". What was happening? What
was the matter? Was anyone going to stand up and be
courageous? They were waiting for someone to utter a

One second....two seconds...three seconds pass by. No
sound. No word spoken. Four seconds...five, six,
seven...Wait, was that a word from someone in the
corner of the room?

One tiny little voice was heard. It was the voice of
little Annie. The room was crowded with cowardly
adults who dared not utter a word and the one to break
the silence was a stature of insignificance but one
with a spirit of courage.

"I believe in Jesus," she said as she aimed her words
at the man holding the gun in the middle of the
crowded room. Inch by inch she made her way to a
foot's distance away from him. People around her
tried to stop her in her path fearing for her life.

She pushed them aside and continued on.
"I believe in Jesus," she exclaimed one more time once
she was standing directing in front of the gunman.
Gasps were heard from those same speechless people
from moments before.

The gunman aimed the gun at Annie's head and then
ordered everyone to clear the room who did not share
her beliefs. Some hesitated not desiring to leave the
girl but eventually fear overcame them and one by one
the people hurried out of the room...not daring to
look behind. Cowardly they came in and cowardly they
went out. When the door shut behind them, it left the
gunman and Annie face to face in the middle of the

When he heard the door shut the gunman prepared his
gun to fire and asked the girl one last time, "Will
you deny Christ or die?"

"I believe in Jesus," she began before singing this
song, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells
me so, little ones to him belong, they are weak but he
is strong..." Suddenly from behind the door where the
others had escaped to, they heard a gunshot that
abruptly ended Annie's song...

Moments later, Annie was safe in the arms of her
Heavenly Father singing a new song.

Jesus Loves Me this I know for my Father tells me so,
little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is
strong, yes Jesus Loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, yes
Jesus Loves me, my Father tells me so.

Monday 22 November 2010

Just felt like writing

It's nearly 1am in the morning but I can't sleep.

Thanksgiving is coming quickly and it's going to be the first Thanksgiving I'll be home in two years. It's going to be different that's for sure. In fact, I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to feel anymore.

However, I am thankful this time of year. I have a lot to be thankful for: Family, food to eat, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, shoes on my feet but especially Christ's love. His love is something that I've taken for granted so many times over the years. And in the last week or so I've really been overwhelmed by his love. His love is unconditional for one thing. He loves us not because of who we are or what we will become but because of who he is. Jesus Christ was fully man but he was most definitely fully God. Because he was God he was love. He cannot help but love us. That is why he died in our place taking the punishment of our sins upon his back.

I am thankful for his love because without his love I cannot imagine where I would be right now. It is only by his righteousness that I am made right with God and it is only by his love that I have peace and fulfillment. His love is more than enough to keep me in the palm of God's hand.

For Christ's love toward me I am most thankful.

Thursday 4 November 2010

More literary inspirations from the past...

I am so thankful for my collection of journals that I have kept over the years. When I look back through the pages of yesterday so often I am inspired by past victories and testimonies of God's goodness. Also over the years now and then I would be inspired to write down bits of poetry; that is if you want to call them that. I haven't written much lately...mainly because it's something that I have to be inspired to do.

I'd like to share a few with you:

Let my words...

Let my words be few
Let my actions speak loudly
Let my words be true
Let my actions speak kindly

Let my words be action
Let my actions speak words

The Beach...

Birds in the air
Winds blow the sea
Water splashes the rocks
Children play on the sand

Nature's Masterpiece...

A piece of Heaven
Painted in the sky
Picturesque Beauty
Reds, pinks, colors of every kind.

God Bless!

Lots to write...

Today I took a visit to the Seashore again. It's been awhile. I think the last time was a couple of months ago before the weather started to turn cold. Even today the weather was gray and cloudy. The waves were choppy as they toppled one on over the other washing foam up on the rocky shore.

Being by the sea started me thinking about life. Mainly because the ocean draws me closer to God...I feel his presence so strongly while I stand and glance at the massive waters stretching out as far as my eyes can see. And when I think of God...I have no other option but to think of my life. For it is in Christ that I live, I move and I have my being.

Lately I have felt like a failure. So often I go through these times. Times when I seem to fail God over and over and then finally I come to the place where I run to him and lift up my hands in surrender once more. Being back in the States has caused me to question once again what my purpose is...what God's purpose and plan is for my life. Seemingly things don't seem to be happening in my world that would indicate that I serve any purpose at the moment. It is during these times of lack of a sense of purpose when I start to unnecessarily feel sorry for myself and slip into this "poor me" attitude which only causes me to drift farther from God and his purpose.

Thank God he is not finished with me yet. I'm not perfect. And when I visit the seashore God seems to drop something in my heart. Sometimes it doesn't come right away; sometimes it does. Today he used something I wrote a few years ago to illustrate what he wanted to drop in my heart.

It was a a story I started to write in 2007. Let me share it with you:

Cliff of Praise,

In the morning light she stood there on a hill. With an umbrella to shield the sun in her right hand and binoculars in the other she glanced down at the sight before her. Dressed in a black cotton dress, an orange scarf about her neck and matching gloves on her hands she hoped she wouldn't be spotted by one of her companions. Her black hat with an attached piece of red silk was another item of clothing she'd purposely put on that morning so that she would be inconspicuous. She never wore hats and nobody would give her a second glance when they saw the hat atop her head.

Solitude. That is what Miss Eliza Price had escaped from the Bed and Breakfast for that morning. Just a few moments to herself so that she could clear her mind of the thoughts that had tormented her of late. That was all that she desired. Surrounded by her dear old aunts who had accompanied her to Italy was no place a person could spend time heart searching.

Early that morning, when Jaimieson, Marilyn, Laura and Elizabeth were still sound asleep in their bedrooms, after a long day at the beach the day before, Eliza slipped from her own room on the second floor of the B&B. As quietly as possible she tip-toed past the doors of the two bedrooms occupied by her companions. At one point, as she neared the stairs, the floor creaked beneath her feet and then there was a sound of someone stirring from the first door along the hall. At that moment Eliza made a run for it down the stairs and through the foyer finally exiting the B&B before she could be discovered.

Pausing to smell the lovely roses planted outside the building, she quickly headed toward the worn path that wound around the corner to the right. As she followed the path it led her to the edge of a cliff. Below were colorful stone buildings built into the rocky hillside.

She stood there glancing down at the hillside that was so scattered with buildings and the incredible clear blue water at the bottom. She put her binoculars to her eyes and noticed boats of every shape and size coming and going. At this moment she felt as if she were on top of the world spying on the goings on of those below.

The time and place was perfect for her to reflect upon her recent thoughts and to search her heart for some answers. Being near the rocky cliffs below and the calm Ocean water spread out as far as her eyes could see gave her a sense of God's peace. God was here with her and she could now let go of all her fears and all of her...

Wait. What was that she heard? Eliza heard footsteps behind her coming from the path she'd just walked herself moments ago. She waited. Maybe the intruder would recognize a woman basking in the presence of God and respectfully walk on. No, that was not to be. The footsteps grew louder and she noted the very moment they stopped.

FOr a moment she closed her eyes imagining that she could somehow will the intruder to leave her side. She need only to turn her head and see the person who had stopped at the edge of the cliff next to her. Finally she opened her eyes and moved them from where they lay ahead to her left. A stranger. Indeed, she had never laid eyes on this person who stood closer than she had realized. As she stared at his profile she noticed that the stranger's eyes remained focused on the hillside below. Maybe the stranger was blind and knew this spot only by memory.

A few moments passed and the stranger still had not glanced once in Eliza's direction. Feeling that the perfect moment for reflection had long passed Eliza shuffled her feet about to turn and head back down the path toward the B&B. At that moment the stranger spoke.

"God delights in the praises of his people!"

This statement, although familiar, startled Eliza.

"You know I'm here?" she questioned out loud.

Not desiring to be rude and disrespectful, Eliza's hand flew to her mouth surprised at her own bluntness.

Smiling graciously at Eliza the stranger continued, "The Lord delights in the praises of His people, but sometimes in our ignorance we do not honor him with our praise. When we focus our attention on ourselves and not upon our creator we offer nothing for the Lord to delight in. Do you know what happens when His people do not praise Him, ma'am?"

It was at this moment, as she opened her mouth to respond, that Eliza saw not a stranger before her and certainly not an angel but a man of God carrying a message. In the midst of her new perception of this man, she could not find the words to answer his question. The question was directed to her, she knew that. There was nobody else around to answer and his eyes were fixed on her and her alone.

Once again he smiled at her holding her gaze only a moment before going on.

"The Rocks cry out." He watched Eliza's face as she glanced down at the rocks on the hillside. "Yes, even these rocks, ma'am. You see, even though the Lord delights most of all in the praises of his people he is such a great and mighty God that if we do not do so, something must proclaim the greatness of the Lord.

"Often times when I'm tempted to pine over my circumstances and have myself a pity-party I run to this here spot. When I look down at these rocks below I realize that even though they are so mighty and strong and the very appearance of them declares how great God is, it is my praise in which the Lord delights. The Lord is always worthy of praise even when I may not feel like praising him. But, do you want to know what happens when I praise God even when I'm not feeling up to it?"

His eyes were smiling now and Eliza couldn't help smiling herself as she nodded. There was a fascination about the man who stood before her speaking words of wisdom and knowledge. She only wished she knew where he came from.

Seeing her nod the man turned his face back to the sight before them. The sun brightened his expression as he spoke his next words, "The Lord lifts me up above my circumstances. There's times I'm praising God right here on this cliff and I feel I could jump off the ground and sore above the hillside below. He truly blesses our obedience to praise him even when our act of obedience is a sacrifice."

For a moment the two of them stood side by side in silence, each quietly praising the Lord in their hearts.

So today God dropped in my heart that I should praise him...even when I don't feel him...even when the circumstances of life are seemingly hopeless offering no signs of purpose. Our greatest purpose is to Praise God! Psalm 150:6, Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

Monday 25 October 2010

Sing unto the Lord!

Psalm 100

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness, come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Psalm 96:1-4

O Sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.

1 Chronicles 16:23-26

Sing unto the Lord, all the earth; shew forth from day to day his salvation. Declare his glory among the heathen; his marvellous works among all nations. For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the people are idols: but the Lord made the heavens.

It looks an awful lot like we are to sing unto the Lord and to declare his wonderful works to all people.

Today a friend was telling me about a verse he had been meditating on in 2 Chronicles 16. I flipped through my Bible to find the verse and was looking at verse 23 of 1 Chronicles 16 rather than 2 Chronicles. The funny thing is that I wasn't even in the right verse...even if it was 1 Chronicles. Later on this evening I wanted to turn to the scripture he really was referencing to 2 Chronicles 16:9. Again, my eyes were caught by this verse in 1 Chronicles 16.

A few minutes later I was reading from the passages in my One Year Bible. The reading from the Psalms today was Psalm 95 and 96. I couldn't believe it and I suddenly realized that God was trying to tell me something. :D

I really need to let these verses sink in before I know what God is trying to say to me. One thing I know is that I need to stop being so self-absorbed and look to my creator. After reading all these verses about singing unto the Lord and showing forth his wonderful works I was prompted to go to the ever familiar Psalm 100.

I love when the Psalmist says, "Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture."

"it is he that hath made us, not we ourselves" There's so much to take from that one verse. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God knows our innermost being as much as our outer being. He knows every thought. He's aware of our every intention or motive. He is in control.

What I get from that tid bit is what is also said in Isaiah: His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. I spend too much time thinking about what I can do to change things; about what I can do to make God love me more; about what I want for my future. It is God who made me...he can change things with one word as he calmed the storm by saying, "Peace, be still!" No matter what I do, he could never love me any more than what was displayed on the cross. And he has the future all planned out and it is a good future. I get from that statement, "it is he that hath made us, not we ourselves", that I need to stop trusting in myself and start trusting in him ALONE.

I can testify of God moving after I decided to trust him alone for my life, for my future and well for everything. One day I am saying, "It's in your hands", and the next he's changing things in my life that I couldn't change on my own.

"we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture"...sheep have got quite the life. They are led by the shepherd into fields to graze and eat freely until the shepherd leads them to safety at the end of the night. They don't have to worry about their life, food, or shelter. That is how it is with our Great Shepherd. If we yield to his great care we have nothing to worry about. And again...that goes back to trusting God. Trust. It's easier than we think, I think. :D I'm working on it.

God Bless!

Sunday 24 October 2010


I am home in Belmont. Funny; how you can make plans and then things change in a blink of an eye.

I'm working at Chase's Daily two days a week and am looking for a full time job for during the week; preferably an admin job. I'm praying for a good paying job that can help me earn enough to be able to get my own apartment. It would be nice if it was somewhere between Belfast and Bangor. I'm hoping to get involved in my home church in Bangor again and it would be nice to be closer so that I can do that.

Tomorrow morning I am going to the bank and will be getting a loan to buy my very first car of my own. My parents bought me a car several years ago and since then it was totaled but still because it was bought by my parents it really never felt like it was mine. This will be my very own car. God has been good. I don't deserve his favor...I'm far from perfect...yet he has given it freely. This car is a part of his plan for the moment...I know that.

I'll tell more later. It's late and I need to be going.

God Bless!

Sunday 26 September 2010


Just a quick update while I'm on here. I've got a part time job at Chase's Daily in Belfast. I am working two days a week, Friday and Saturday. On Fridays I wait tables and on Saturday I work at the front counter. It's a good job that will stretch me and help me develop multi-tasking, time management, and prioritizing skills.

I am praying that I can get another job or two that I enjoy. I'm hoping to go to Brazil in January. If that is the plan then I really need to be making some money to travel there and to have some extra for the first few weeks or even months that I am there.

More than anything else, I want God's will. I want him to lead me in the direction that he wants me to go in.

Starbucks Wi-Fi

Right now I'm sitting down at the Starbucks on Bangor Mall Boulevard. This morning I went to my parents church in Winterport and was very blessed by the presence of God that was so strong in that place. My Gram went home with my sister and I drove here to Bangor. When I came I saw an old Starbucks co-worker of mine, Tanya G. We spoke briefly, she giving me all the updates on other co-workers and what they are doing now.

A few weeks ago I came in here and found out that Starbucks was now offering Free Wi-Fi. Today I knew that I was going to be in Bangor for the afternoon on my own with nothing to do so I brought my laptop to take advantage of that Starbucks customer perk. It just makes me love Starbucks even more. :D

Anyway. So I sat down first of all in a place where there were no electrical outlets. While I waited for someone to move I ate my Cinnamon swirl coffee cake and started drinking my Grande mocha. About fifteen minutes went by and two girls near an outlet on the wall left and I took their place. It was a table of four and at first I felt a little funny taking the whole table for myself...but it was my only option.

A few minutes later there was a man on a mission who came into the store with a laptop in under his arm ardently searching for a place to sit...I could tell that he was looking for a place next to an outlet. He came to where I was sitting and with an urgent thick foreign accent said, "I'm sorry, do you mind if I sit here. This is the only place with an outlet and I need it." And I said, "Sure".

He pulled out his cup of coffee and a big container of Nutella and began spooning the nutella. It was funny. He has the space around his laptop filled up with bags full of cds and an external hard drive.

Before he began digging into his nutella he got up to get a spoon. While he was away momentarily the guy at the table behind his chair looked at his stuff and then I caught his eye. He chuckled and said, "There was an outlet in that corner. I think he saw it. It's strange."

We were both minding our own business when all of a sudden he picked up his cell phone, dialed it and then my phone rang. haha. It was as if he was calling me. Obviously he wasn't but it was funny anyway. His phone call ended up being a conversation in another language. It sounded like a Slavic language similar to Bulgarian. My phone call was in English and it ended up being my best friend, Kristina.

Anyway...I think that this is hilarious. When I go to a cafe in Glasgow, Scotland or one in Bangor, Maine, USA I end up bumping into people from another country. They are drawn to me. Hahahahaha.

Well, I think that is all I'm going to write about right now. I'm going to go back to surfing the net.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Extraordinary Quote

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday 13 September 2010

Back in the States

Back in the States...

Well, another year has come and gone. On July 7th I returned back to Maine from nearly a year being in Glasgow, Scotland for the second year in a row. Judy Petros recently asked what I learned while I was in Scotland this past year and I said, “I learned a lot!” She then asked me a very good question, “What was the most outstanding thing that you learned this year?”

This year was very different than the year before in Scotland. My time in Glasgow from June ’08 – May ’09 I was not alone. I shared a three bedroom flat (apartment) with three other missionaries. We were all there for the same reason and we served as wonderful support systems for each other. We all went out into the big bad world of the city of Glasgow as a team and then returned to our humble abode where we could encourage one another in the Lord, where we shared daily devotions, where we rejoiced with each in our victories, where we exhorted one another when one of us was going astray and where we shared in our excitement as we learned how to better evangelise the lost as well as minister to fellow Christians in Glasgow.

My time in Glasgow from August ’09 – July ’10, as I said before, was very different. I went for the second year in a row to continue to give my help and service to the International Missions End Times Church, New Mercy Church (www.newmercy.org.uk). At the same time, due to difficulties of entering the country for any other reason, I was studying full time at a local college there in Glasgow. My accommodation was at a Student Accommodation where I shared a five ensuite bedroom flat with four other girls. We all studied at different College/Universities in Glasgow. Three of those girls had already been living in the flat for at least three years.

When I first moved into the flat, I had a very difficult time adjusting and making myself feel comfortable in my new surroundings. It was also very difficult to go from living with likeminded Christians who all had the same focus as a missionary to living with all lost people. Even at College I was the only Christian in a sea of many lost souls. To be very frank and honest, I felt very alone at times.

At first because of the great difference between the situation of this year and the last, I questioned, “Am I really a missionary?” I can’t count the times I felt so insecure with my flatmates that I questioned my ability to be a witness to them. I did so want to be an example, but I found myself many times hiding in my room. This happened especially on occasions when my flatmates would invite people over for parties. This, too, was very different for me.

As I said, I questioned, “Am I really a missionary? What am I doing here? I don’t feel like a missionary at all. I’m not doing anything different here than I could be doing at home.” This troubled me so. But one day God showed me something. I don’t remember how or when but it was so real. He showed me that it didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing, whether I was holding a position in a church or attending college while serving at a local church somewhere. One thing I kept saying to myself before was, “I felt more like a missionary last year.” But God showed me that living smack dab in the middle of the lost made me more of a missionary than I ever was the year before. I realized that what mattered was that I be a light in the darkness no matter what!

I learned a valuable lesson this past year. We are all ministers, no matter where God sends us, no matter what we may become, no matter what our profession, no matter if we preach from a pulpit or stand up for right in a flat full of wild, young partiers. We are all ministers of the Gospel and we all have a mission field and that is in the place that we find ourselves.

This year was a test of obedience to the call, many times a test of trusting God, and toward the end even a test of faith IN God but as I briefly testified on Sunday morning, “God is good!” He has to be. I’ve gone and come and I know he holds the future. I want to thank everyone who prayed for me. It was not in vain.

I am thankful because although I won’t be returning to Scotland long term I still have good connections with New Mercy Church there in Glasgow. While in Glasgow I was transcribing Pastor Mike McKeever’s sermon series’ which were edited and published into several books. Today I continue to transcribe his sermons. That is something I can do wherever I am.

At the moment I have been blessed with a part time job at a Vegetarian Restaurant in Belfast, Maine. I’m going to be looking for another part time job – maybe a couple more. The next step, God willing, I will be going to Brazil. For a few years now my friend, Rod de Freitas, has been inviting me to come and teach in one of his English Schools called, JET Incorporated (www.jetincorporated.com.br).

This past Summer I helped Rod with the production of one of his own English books that is used as part of the English material in the JET schools. The wonderful thing about these books is that they have scripture throughout that can be used as a tool to share the Gospel with the students that study at JET. We also worked on the videos that will go along with the books and assist with the learning process. At the end of each unit of each book there is a video with a pastor giving a two minute sermon. This is wonderful because most of the people who study at JET are unsaved. The program goes on for several years which mean that as teachers in JET relationships are made with the students. And with these relationships there is the opportunity to share the Gospel with these students.

It is a wonderful project that I am very happy to be a part of. If it works out for me to go to Brazil in January then I will probably be teaching in one of these schools at some point. Until then I am back in the States and very happy to see friends and family.

Friday 28 May 2010

Having Faith

Having Faith

Sometimes it is hard to hang on when I can't see the hand holding me.
Sometimes it is hard to stand when my very foundations are being shaken.
Sometimes it is hard to keep going when the storm is raging around me.

But, if I don't hang on I will fall.
If I don't stand I will stumble.
If I don't keep going I will sink.

I will have faith because I know the one who holds me securely.
I will have faith because I know the rock who is my firm foundation.
I will have faith because I know who carries me through the storm.

Sunday 23 May 2010


The weather has been beautiful for the last three or four days. Yesterday the temperatures were in the high 20s celsius. TO be completely honest, I don't know what that is in farenheit. But it's really warm. And I love it. Warm and sunny weather make me very happy. :D

Yesterday I was out and about in the city center and got a sun burn. That is how nice it is. :D This kind of weather always makes me so appreciative of nice weather and thankful to God for it.

Just less than seven weeks and I'll be heading back home to Maine. It has been a good year; not without its challenges but a good year none the less. It is time though. It is time for a new thing; a new season; a new beginning. And I am ready. Here am I Lord. Send me. Wherever you lead. I will follow.

Monday 3 May 2010

Facebook Challenge

Facebook...everyone is either on it or knows about it. For me, Facebook is a place where I can catch up on all the news of friends and family back home. I enjoy going to their pages browsing their profiles and checking out new photos (even old ones :P). My friend, Jamie, said that loneliness, boredom, Uni work and Facebook all tie in with each other somehow. If you are lonely you go to Facebook to catch up with friends; check out their profiles, comment on their photos, sent them messages or even chat with them if they are on Facebook as well. If you are bored...same results. If you have course work to do and you're just not feeling it...eventually you will retire to Facebook. LOL.

However, the fact is that Facebook is time consuming. I wonder what I would be doing if I wasn't on Facebook? Well, this month will tell the story.

My friends, Jamie and Steven, and I are going without Facebook for one month. That's right. One month. Scientifically we want to find out if Facebook really is addicting...so we are each going to tally up how many times a day we have an urge to visit Facebook. At the end of the month we will graph it. :D

On the other hand, personally I want to be able to use my time more wisely. I want to take time that I may spend browsing Facebook to browse the word of God or spend time with God. I want to spend the time that I am studying pictures of family and friends studying for my upcoming Graded Unit Exam. I want to spend the time that I'm sending instant messages to friends and family with actually giving them a call. By the grace of God, I know that this is possible. :D

Ephesians 5:16, "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

Each day we need to take as a gift from God not to be wasted or used up by idleness. Let's redeem the time we've been given and use it wisely for the glory of God.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Restless Heart

Restless Heart

What to do?
Oh, Restless heart
Thoughts galore
Anxieties are more

To free this restless heart
This is my desire
Oh Lord, what does it require?

"My dear child,
Let your heart not be troubled.
I am here
Just cast upon me your care

"Have not I promised,
I am with you always?
Do not worry or fear;
Be still, I am near.

"My dear child,
You ask what is required
To free your restless heart?
Surrender is where to start.

"Oh, Restless Heart,
Your anxious thoughts,
Surrender to me;
I will give you peace."

Thursday 15 April 2010

Traveling Soul

When I went to Paris it awakened desires in me that have been dormant for quite some time. :) It awakened desires to travel and see the world; to see the earth and everything in it: oceans, seas, mountains, rivers, beaches, birds, animals; architecture, cathedrals, museums, master pieces, fountains, different cultures, music, paintings; amazing panoramic views of cities. Exploring God's earth and everything in it draws me closer to him somehow. I was thinking about how God has created me as a Traveling Soul and wrote this simple non rhyming poem. This is to all of the traveling souls out there...wherever you are. :D

Traveling Soul

You long for far off people and lands
You long for wondrous thrills and adventure
You long to touch the sands on every beach
You long to reach the heights of every mountain top
You long to move from place to place;
Exploring all that lays beyond your borders

Oh, You traveling soul,
Ever your feet will roam,
Till soon Christ will take you home.

Traveling Soul

When I went to Paris it awakened desires in me that have been dormant for quite some time. :) It awakened desires to travel and see the world; to see the earth and everything in it: oceans, seas, mountains, rivers, beaches, birds, animals; architecture, cathedrals, museums, master pieces, fountains, different cultures, music, paintings; amazing panoramic views of cities. Exploring God's earth and everything in it draws me closer to him somehow. I was thinking about how God has created me as a Traveling Soul and wrote this simple non rhyming poem. This is to all of the traveling souls out there...wherever you are. :D

Traveling Soul

You long for far off people and lands
You long for wondrous thrills and adventure
You long to touch the sands on every beach
You long to reach the heights of every mountain top
You long to move from place to place;
Exploring all that lays beyond your borders

Oh, You traveling soul,
Ever your feet will roam,
Till soon Christ will take you home.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Three little words...

I am human with failures;
I can't fight my humanity any longer.

I am in need of a power greater;
I need to trust that this power will fight for me.

God is above all powers;
He can fight my battles,
He can overcome my humanity.

I only need to trust that he has already fought;
I only need to trust that he has already won the victory.

Today I realized that no matter where I am; whether on a mountain top or in a low valley, God is my source of power. If I think that because I am on a mountain top it is because of my own strength then I underestimate the influence that God has in my life. If I think that because I am able to resist temptation because of my own strength then I underestimate the power of God's grace and power that overcame the world over two thousand years ago.

I have decided to begin each day by declaring three little words, "I need you". Whether I am struggling to resist temptation or going through a terrifying trial; Living victoriously above temptations or walking safe and secure in my relationship with God...may I always realize that it is because of His grace and power that I am kept from falling or that I am able to stand.

Throughout the day, no matter what comes my way, I have decided to say, "I love you". If we love God we will keep his commandments. As long as I love God, everything I do will reflect that. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing and acceptable unto you, oh Lord!"

At the end of the day I have decided to say, "Thank you, Jesus". It is because of him that I overcome temptation. It is because of him that I am victorious. It is in HIM that I live, I move and I have my being. When I come to the end of each day in which he has blessed me with his grace and power to get through...I will give him praise and thanks.

Psalm 27:5-6
For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock. And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me; And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.

Don't underestimate any of these "three little words"...

I need you.
I love you.
Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday 17 February 2010


Tonight I just felt like writing. I'm not really sure about what. I just want to write. This coming Friday night we are having an All Night of Prayer at New Mercy Church. Four other girls and I are taking one of the last sessions of the night and it is on Dreams. So of course preparing for our session has put a lot of questions in my mind. What is my dream? What God-given dreams do I have?

I have always wanted to write. I really want to write a Christian Fiction Novel about true love. Not just your ordinary Romance novel but a book that illustrates the Love of God through the love that a man has for a woman. One time I started to write this book called, Divine Rose. It was going to be set in Belfast, Ireland 1912. See, Divine was a wealthy girl of 18 or 19 who was engaged to a wealthy young man who did whatever business in New York. Divine's fiance, Charles, boarded the Titanic and we all know what happens to the Titanic. Charles doesn't survive unfortunately. So Divine is left in Belfast, Ireland to care for her sick mother. Her mother is very sick with a bad case of Pneumonia. On her death bed, her mother begs Divine to accept Christ into her life. Her mother dies and Divine hasn't accepted Christ. In the process of making funeral arrangements for her mother, Divine meets a brother and sister who work at the funeral home. These two befriend Divine and help her in any way that they can. I only wrote up to the part where Divine had met the two characters. But it was going to go on to a point where she realized that she didn't have quite as much money as she thought and that she would have to sell the house and all of the nice things that she owned. She would be left penniless pretty much. Throughout this trying time of her life as she struggles to stand on her own two feet the brother and sister are there for her the whole way. Despite her resistance to their help, she ends up giving in and allowing herself to love and be loved. Through the love that she receives from these two characters she also experiences the redemptive love of her Savior Jesus Christ.

If I ever have time...I may pick that story back up.

Let's see...another dream is for me to be able to share the Gospel with people who have never heard the name of Jesus.

I do dream of getting married, serving and living for God side by side with my husband and raising children to do the same.

I dream, most of all, of making a difference. I dream of helping others know and believe that they are precious in the Lord's sight and that God has big dreams for them as well.

Well...I really have to go now because it is nearly 2:30 am and I need to get some sleep sometime tonight.

Till next time,

Friday 22 January 2010

Women's Conference - 23rd January 2010

Women's Conference tomorrow 9:30 to 3:30! I'm excited. May the women go expecting change and transformation. It is my prayer that women who need healing would be healed; that need deliverance would be delivered; that need direction would be directed; that are broken hearted would be mended; that all of the women who attend would be changed forever! :D

All women come along to the conference at Partick's Burgh Halls.

Wednesday 13 January 2010


Today is my day off and I didn't make it to the College this morning to see if my lecturer picked up the flashdrive. Please be praying. I really need those 4gbites of storage not only for college but for church and personal use.

Today I'm typing the second part of "Entering the Promised Life" series Pastor Mike preached a few weeks ago. Check it out on Sermon Central at www.newmercy.org.uk

Be Blessed,

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Near mid-January already!

Central College News:

Already into the fifth week of the second block, one block and eight weeks to go till I finish the HNC Admin/IT course. Today I had my first assessment (exam) in Recording Financial Trasactions class. It went well. I enjoy that class; it's very straightforward.

I have a Stress essay to write for the 25th in the class called Developing Skills for Personal Effectiveness...and I have yet to start. Eeks! :D Haha. The essay is about the causes of stress, symptoms, and how to prevent stress. One of the causes of stress is procrastination. Haha...I think I'm going to be stressed writing this stress essay! LOL.

I've lost my flashdrive...ahhh! On Friday I was in ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) and was putting some files I needed for the class on my flashdrive. The whole class I kept saying to myself, "Don't forget it!" But I forgot it. I didn't realize I forgot it until later that night when I wanted to get something off from the flashdrive. I keep the flashdrive in a small black leather purse; I was hoping that it was still in the room, that it had been put in lost and found, or that my lecturer picked it up. On Monday morning I went to the room: no flashdrive. I went to lost and found: no flashdrive. I went to my lecturer's office: no lecturer. :D She is not in until tomorrow first period. I'm hoping that she has the flashdrive.

New Mercy Church:

Last Sunday night Pastor Iliya led a Healing Service. Wow! What a service! People were really touched. I believe that there was more emotional and spiritual healing rather than physical healing. The presence of God was very strong that night as well. The worship was excellent. That night the worship team took about ten minutes even before the service began to seek God...and it really made a difference.

On the 23rd of January there is going to be a Women's Conference in Partick. Susan Comiskey is going to be the speaker. I'm really excited. The men had several conferences in the last year...and finally the women will have one of their own. I pray that this conference will bring us closer to God and put us on the path to becoming great women of God in prayer, in our actions, in our attitudes.

Street Evangelism starts back up on the 30th of January. Temperatures have been so cold that we've not been out. I'm excited to get back on the streets taking the Gospel to the nations within Glasgow! :D Please be praying that we will begin to see the fruit of our labor.

Other News:

I was blessed with a lovely visit from my parents during the turn of the New Year. It was very nice having them see where I am and what I am doing. I'm also very glad for the warm welcome that they received from the people of New Mercy. I also received lots of goodies from friends and families back home...thank you! :D

Till next time...Be blessed!


Be blessed all!
